“She was in front of the judge with lawyers screaming at her and she stood her ground.”


In our client’s Words

A heartfelt thank you to our clients who have generously allowed us to share their thoughts and their stories.
“I’ve been a client of Laughlin Legal and am impressed with the guidance and responsiveness of Amy and the team. They are wonderful to work with which greatly eases the anxiety of dealing with certain family law matters. The legal team at Laughlin helped me strategize on what was appropriate for my personal situation and then we set about executing to that strategy.”
“The team at Laughlin Legal were phenomenal. Amy anticipated my needs and quickly found solutions to problems that arose. They answered all of my concerns regarding my Marital Settlement Agreement and effectively defended my position. Everyone at the firm returns calls and emails promptly, and the fast communication made it very easy to strategize. Amy fought hard for me and my interests. I really appreciated how professional, patient, and dedicated they were — I know having an attorney for a client is not easy!!”
“I had the opportunity of being a client of Amy’s in regards to a pending lawsuit against me. From the moment I walked into her office (which by the way is professional, inviting, and beautiful), I felt that I was in great hands. Amy listened intently about my pending case and offered some suggestions on how best to move forward. She responded to the complaint against me with a thorough argument in my defense. She was quick, concise, and on point. If you are ever in need of legal counsel, I would highly recommend the law firm of Laughlin Legal. I can assure you that you will be in great hands.”
“Amy has provided representation in the area of family law for several clients of mine. She is always available no matter what time of day to respond to her clients needs and does so professionally, intelligently and always in the best interests of her client. She is organized, prepared and is able to address the issues that are thrown her way in a timely and if needed, creative way. I highly recommend Amy for family law representation.”
“I can highly recommend Amy and her team. Amy had the right mixture of aggressiveness and a sense of when to agree to a compromise that allowed the case to be resolved with the help of a mediator, out of court.”
“I was referred to Amy via a common connection when my previous attorney was unavailable for additional work on my case. Amy came up to speed very quickly on the issues at hand and was very effective in dealing with opposing counsel. Her excellent representation resulted in the best possible outcome for my case. Amy is also part therapist; absolutely professional in all her dealings, with well-timed and sage advice, empathy and humor. I highly recommend Amy Laughlin.”
Amy continued to tell me, ‘Patience is important. We’ll get through this together.’ I knew I had a true prizefighter in my corner. And the whole staff as well. If I were to run into any of them, they would get the biggest hug and kiss. They were the difference maker. They were family. They saved me from a lot of insanity and I’m beyond grateful. My ex wife’s attorney blew up the case. He was worried he wasn’t going to get his fees, so he dug up more nonsense and went after me. The trial was inevitable. The case lasted years, should have been months. The legal system was probably my worst enemy. The next thing you know, you’re 3 or 4 years into it. My ex made it her mission to destroy me. The amount of humiliation and the nonsense! That someone can say something so malicious and you have to constantly prove your innocence. And she wasdestroying me because financially, they were sucking the life out of me. She even went after my parents’ property. But Amy’s calmness, her confidence – ‘We’re going to do the right thing and figure this out.’ – gave me the ability to fight and not give in. Her support was huge to me. And I’m a very lucky man to have this much quality time with the two people I love most. I count my blessings every day. For sure. Amy secured that for me. In my humble opinion, I don’t think there is a better firm out there. Amy is an attorney who does not tolerate nonsense and will fight tooth and nail for justice and the best possible outcome. It has put my heart, mind, and soul at ease having Amy and the team by my side. I truly don’t know where I would be today if I hadn’t hired this firm. My trial was difficult, but I was very comfortable knowing that Amy was on my side and would stand up for the truth. She is a great advocate and I am indebted to her for her hard work and dedication on my case. I speak from the heart when I say that working with Laughlin Legal has really benefited me, my future, and my children’s future.”
I talked with Amy Laughlin first, then Kristen went to court and she was with me through the whole thing. They got into a lot of bumps on the road because my birth certificate was so worn out they couldn’t find which doctor delivered me! They had so much to do, stuff I could never have done on my own. They mailed everything, I didn’t even have to go into the office. So we had to do the whole thing before a judge and my dad is going through dementia and he was so worried he’d have to explain why we’re doing the adoption. And Kristen knew and didn’t put any pressure on him. They were wonderful. And we’re legal now! Very emotional. It wasn’t like we planned this but I guess I needed to be adopted. It turned into something more emotional than we thought it would be. They took pictures and my mom has it hanging on the wall. We went and got deli sandwiches and just went home and talked and laughed. It was worth it. We had to go into a little retirement savings but my husband said, ‘Oh my God, the stress I felt when I looked at those papers the court wanted us to fill out!’ It was awesome!”
I felt important. They were able to understand our situation and guide us, step by step. And they work with different levels of financial status, people who have money vs people like myself who are still working, and they’re able to understand how to communicate with all of them. And they always considered my partner, how he would feel. That meant a lot because my biggest fear was having my partner say no. Their understanding toward both of us, building this agreement, it’s a two way street. It’s protection for both parties. It’s been an excellent process from start to finish and then some. It’s always good to build that relationship with an attorney to see how else they can assist with life challenges. An example would be we were looking for just the prenuptial agreements, but we’re now creating our trust fund, too. Everyone has been great including our trust attorney, Lucas, the legal assistant, everyone. The firm surpassed my expectations.”
My partner and I didn’t really understand California law, and we wanted to make sure there were certain protections in place. We felt vulnerable like once you get married you’re at the mercy of whatever your partner does and everything gets split down the middle. I felt like this agreement will be a good opportunity to have conversations that are a little difficult and a little uncomfortable but have them before getting into trouble. She did a superb job of explaining complicated legal matters in a way that makes sense to me and how to prevent certain problems from arising and how the law regards this as communal property as opposed to separate property. For us that was the biggest concern, actually knowing our rights and the implications of getting married. In the end, though Caitlin was absolutely willing to go the extra mile and she felt it obviously would be good to have this agreement, there wasn’t enough time before the wedding, and we decided this is not worth the trouble. I’d give them a really good rating because I felt like the outcome wasn’t on them it was more of our personal decision not to pursue this but they would have done their utmost to make sure that my wishes are represented to the best of their abilities.”
Then he accused me of domestic violence. Amy went right to the judge and defended me. When he wasn’t going to release my son back to me because the baby wasn’t ‘safe’ with me, I had Amy: ‘Sarah, print out your custody papers and take them to the courthouse(?), show some authority.’ She not only guided me correctly, but she was on the phone with 2 police officers at 9pm in another time zone while at a Train concert with her son. Still, she had her attorney wits about her. And I got my son back! There’s Amy and then there’s everyone else. Her commitment is on another level.
First and foremost I wanted a prenuptial specialist, someone who focused on premarital agreements. And secondly I wanted it to be something I could afford, didn’t want to be taken advantage of just because I live in the Bay Area and really wanted to know that that person would actually like to help people, that it’s not just about the money. Also wanted someone I could communicate with well who would not speak legalese and have to explain things to me 3 or 4 times. Proximity was also important. We wanted someone within an easy drive. I think the fears that come with marriage are alleviated to a large degree by a premarital agreement. We wanted to get married last year and I had everything ready on my end pending the return of my husband’s attorney and we were a little nervous because we didn’t want to change our wedding day. Caitlin was responsive and worked well under that pressure. She prioritized my need to get it done the week before the wedding. I felt their fees were reasonable, and there wasn’t the nickel and diming you get with other attorneys where I’d be afraid I might get a bill if I ask a question. There was a flat fee, no hidden surprises. Caitlin’s very good at what she does. Her interpersonal style is relaxed and kind. She probably just comes with those qualities as a human being, but law school didn’t take that out of her! I just wish she specialized in everything because at some point in time there are other things I’ll need and would like to go back to her. The personal connection makes all the difference.”
Family law is different from other kinds, there’d be some emotion involved on their end. To choose this type of law, it would take a different type of personality. You’re repping people who do this for all the right reasons, you’re working with pretty good people who are trying to do the right thing by your family. We’re very pleased with the experience. They’re very professional, very attentive to their client’s needs, and they get the job done, and that’s what you want in looking for a resolution because there’s emotion involved, this is personal. It’s your child, your grandchild, so you want to get it done as quickly as possible. Can’t think of any way the process could have worked out any better for all of us.”
"Lucas, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to meet with my mom & I. You are phenomenal. So educational. You LITERALLY prevented my family from making a HUGE mistake. Costing us hundreds and thousands of dollars. SERIOUSLY, THANK YOU!! You are insightful, encouraging, and wise. We can tell you love your job and it's so beautiful working with someone who loves what they do. It exudes off you! Lucas was humble, clear, concise, passionate, encouraging, attuned, funny, direct, responsive, prompt & educational! Excited to continue working with you."
The experience surpassed my expectations. Amy provided really good counsel. I felt confident in her expertise. She was aggressive when needed and flexible when needed. I felt a high level of competence. Their working style was very important to me. Other thing, too, is I only half joke about this but being a family law attorney is also part therapist, the ability to help me be centered throughout the process was important. Responsiveness is key. Maybe legally speaking, certain things could wait, but you won’t sleep. Other attorneys I’ve worked with have hard boundaries – after 5 or on the weekends? Not available. When Amy was on vacation she still called in. That was great. And Caitlin made herself available nights, weekends, and I really appreciated that. These cases can be frustrating. They helped me successfully navigate two fairly tricky marital situations, divorce and prenup, neither of which was easy, and did it in a way that got good solutions. They did a great job. Flexible, responsive. Put in a good fight. Focused on trying to get things done. Not trying to run up the fees. I’ve recommended them.“
Your attorney can lead you into all types of dark corners, but I felt like Amy and I were aligned. She fought for me but never brought more litigation than was needed, was never an unethical bulldog, always respectful, and definitely not a pushover or softie. I never felt like my personal ethics or values were compromised. That is so hard to find! I often get the feeling attorneys don’t care about ethics. Amy was really good at managing expectations. Felt like a real partnership. Prior to a hearing, we’d get on the phone and strategize. I never wondered, What is my attorney doing? And Amy is not afraid to go to trial. Some lawyers just want to settle, they’re nervous, can’t take that high pressure. Not Amy. And she’s really really good no matter the pressure. But she’s not going to push you to go to court. And she’s SO good with the judge. I just knew she was going to kill it in court. And she did. This firm will get as good a result as you can possibly get. They invest the time with you. This is not a transactional, high volume firm. And they have this balance of really high integrity and really high advocacy and really great results. I’m so thankful I had someone who was with me trying to figure out what’s best for my kid, and it goes way beyond the legal. Amy just gets things. 10 out of 10. Totally surpassed my expectations though I had never met anyone with as bad a case as I had. This firm is absolutely life-changing when it comes to the safety and welfare of a child. Without Amy, my son might not be safe and healthy today. Amy has all of the qualities that you hope for in a family lawyer but rarely get all in one package. She is highly experienced, intelligent, compassionate, ethical, hardworking, and she will not rest until she has fully advocated and fought for you. Even as my case became more complex and stressful, Amy continued to shine and drove the best possible outcome. I am eternally grateful!”
Amy was the person who got on zoom in front of the judge, with lawyers screaming at her, and she stood her ground. This was not one of those cases where you can see both people are basically good people. My ex went after Amy so hard and so personally. Not many people will stand up to highly intimidating, highly dysfunctional mega hi-worth individuals with all their connections. Amy will. She’s like this skinny kid on the playground, surrounded by bullies, and she takes off her earrings and she’s like, ‘Let’s go!’ It’s the most terrifying thing you’ll ever have to do is to confront your abuser. He had people watching my house, watching my kids in my house, it was the worst time of my life. We had to put shower curtains over the windows. I was so saturated in fear and trauma. And Amy and Caitlin stopped it. They’re like freedom fighters. They gave me the freedom to heal. I had such severe PTSD, developed a heart condition. Your body can’t handle that amount of stress. I never thought I’d have a life. Amy stood up, she fought and she won. She negotiated nothing short of a miracle – the ability for me to move away. I moved my kids away from a toxic environment. They went from failing school to all As and Bs. They saved my kids from their abusive father. And Amy said, ‘All I want is a Christmas card from you with the kids all smiling.’
“Very efficient and responsive to my needs. Susie Baker is very responsible to her clients, Professional and knowledgeable. I highly recommend this law firm.”
“Amy Laughlin is extremely focused and professional. We are in a professional group together and I have the upmost respect for her razor sharp approach to her profession.”
“I met Amy through a friend. Though I'm not in need of a divorce attorney myself, I would like to recommend her to people who need her help. She is a very sweet lady who cares about her clients and friends very much. She apparently has a great amount of experience in her divorce law area as she has worked for a large law firm for a long time before she starts her own office.”
“Amy Laughlin is one of the smartest, most thorough and conscientious lawyers you'll ever find. Amy is enormously invested in her clients, working nights and weekends and whenever she's needed, without ceasing. She will know everything about your case and your best interests, and you will feel safe and well cared for by this zealous advocate. Family law in particular touches so many triggers, and Amy's compassionate attentiveness is just what you need.”
“Laughlin Legal delivers a comprehensive legal service, with an abundance of follow up, guidance, and hand-holding. I have had the wonderful experience working with Caitlin who is incredibly sharp, hard-working, and ethical. Anytime there is a specific question outside immediate family law matters (business nuance or tax) Caitlin has wonderful experts and resources to connect with, and resolve whatever issue we may be going through. As a top Bay Area law firm with numerous clients, I am in awe at the detailed level of attention, time and care fully given to my family.”
“The team at Laughlin Legal were phenomenal. Aimee anticipated my needs and quickly found solutions to problems that arose. They answered all of my concerns regarding my marital settlement agreement and effectively defended my position. Everyone at the firm returns calls and emails promptly, and the fast communication made it very easy to strategize. Amy fought hard for me and my interests. I really appreciate how professional, patient, and dedicated they were. I know having an attorney for a client is not easy.”
“I highly recommend Laughlin Legal for the professional help that I received. They kept me updated throughout the process of my case which gave me a peace of mind. I like the expertise of Amy, Kristen, and the team. I was struggling since 2016 and have been through many lawyers until I found Laughlin Legal which I love dealing with.”
“I highly recommend Laughlin Legal. Amy and Kristen represented me in my divorce that involved teenage children following a 20 year marriage. They were always available and responsive to help me as a client and as a person. Getting divorced is a terrible experience, but I always felt like I was in great hands with Laughlin Legal and that made a big difference.”
“Divorce is challenging financially, emotionally and socially. It takes a very skilled team to navigate the complex divorces. I have no words to express my most sincere gratitude to Chris Norris, Toriana Holms and Julie Miller. Toriana is great and very knowledgeable. She made me comfortable from the get go and stayed on top of all the complexities. Chris Norris excels at the most complicated property and financial issues. Chris is the best family law attorney that one could ever have. He has your best in his heart and it shows. In my opinion this is the most competent and savvy team one can have to work on the complex family law issues.”
A Free Monthly Seminar on Navigating Divorce
Whether you’re considering divorce or already in the process, you may have some basic questions…

How does Divorce generally work in CA?
What’s the difference between a Divorce and Legal Separation?
What does the “best interest” standard mean in custody cases?
Is it possible to successfully divorce a narcissist?

…and while we can’t offer legal advice or address specific individual situations, we’ve got some answers.
Join three Laughlin Legal divorce attorneys – Amy Laughlin, Amanda Sanchez & Andrea Davis –
every month on zoom.

New Beginnings with Laughlin Legal

Reserve your spot the first Wednesday of the month at noon pst on zoom.

The FOREFRONT A divorce & family law blog

Good question. You’ll find a multitude of answers online. Search “how much is a divorce in California” and you’ll see everything from $139

This post is going to start and end with the same sentence because I want to make sure everyone gets the message: No

Think About It: Is It Really So Strange To Have A Transactional Real Estate Lawyer At A Family Law Firm? We find it