“Put in a good fight. Did a great job. Focused on trying to get things done. Not trying to run up the fees.”


With Gratitude

We know that our clients have options.

With gratitude for choosing us, we support the nonprofits that matter to them. Each month we contribute a portion of our revenue to a charitable organization in honor of one of our clients. Please email us here to suggest we consider contributing to one of your favorite nonprofits. We welcome an introduction! Allow us to introduce you to nonprofits we have contributed to in the past.

A Free Quarterly Seminar on Navigating Divorce

Whether you’re considering divorce or already in the process, you may have some basic questions…

How does Divorce generally work in CA?
What’s the difference between a Divorce and Legal Separation?
What does the “best interest” standard mean in custody cases?
Is it possible to successfully divorce a narcissist?

…and while we can’t offer legal advice or address specific individual situations, we’ve got some answers.

New Beginnings with Laughlin Legal

Reserve your spot the fourth Saturday of each quarter at noon pst on zoom.

The FOREFRONT A divorce & family law blog

In the U.S., lawyers in general aren’t terribly difficult to find. We’re the 5th most litigious country in the world, after all. According

As with any legal practice area, what a child custody lawyer costs in California may vary profoundly depending upon the individual lawyer, law

Good question. You’ll find a multitude of answers online. Search “how much is a divorce in California” and you’ll see everything from $139