A Real Estate Lawyer At A Family Law Firm?

Think About It: Is It Really So Strange To Have A Transactional Real Estate Lawyer At A Family Law Firm?

We find it kind of curious that most family law firms do not have an in-house real estate person. Think about it. Real estate is the major investment for many of our clients in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley. And houses are sold during the process of divorce all the time. Businesses with a real estate component are also often sold during divorce and will generally be divided during the course of the litigation.

Need a real estate transaction attorney to help you sell the family home? 

Though California does not require people who are either buying or selling real estate to work with a real estate lawyer, we take it one step further. Chris Norris, our transactional real estate lawyer, is a licensed real estate broker in addition. In other words, your contract will be reviewed by someone who is disciplined and licensed and may act in both capacities with the sale of real property. Yes, you could call it overkill. But you could also call it keeping our clients safe. Especially in more complex real estate transactions, a dual licensed attorney/broker provides an extra level of legal protection from liability.

What if you need legal help beyond transactional real estate?

 It’s all part of the team approach we’ve put in place to best serve our clients. No matter the issue, we’ve got someone on our team to cover all your bases. It spares our clients the time spent looking and vetting qualified counsel, then spending time and money to establish a new account with them and catch them up to speed. 

Once you’re an established Laughlin Legal client, we know your complex story, we already have the big picture. We have complete knowledge of your financial status along with all the supporting documents and information. So if you need another legal service, our experienced roster of attorneys can handle it internally more efficiently and more economically in most cases than if you went elsewhere. 

For instance, if you need a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, Caitlin Ashton has expertise in that area. If you’d like to adopt a child, Kristen Van Antwerp is very experienced in this area and can help you. If you need help resolving a legal issue with your life partner through mediation or collaborative law, Toriana Holmes will help you navigate that negotiation to set you both up for a better future. If you need an estate plan or would like to update an existing estate plan, Lucas Pastuszka would be happy to help you with that. And if you have aging parents who may need longterm care, Lucas’ knowledge of elder law and his commitment to aging seniors can be a tremendous help to the whole family.

We hope you’ll let us know how we can be helpful to you.

If you or someone you love needs a real estate transaction lawyer or a family law attorney to handle any number of legal family issues, learn more about how a Laughlin Legal attorney can best represent you and your values. Call us now at 650.343.3486 to schedule a consultation with us. If you’d prefer, you can email us to set up your appointment. If we miss your call, we will respond promptly and call you back as soon as possible. 

Laughlin Legal Family Law Group
You’ve never been better protected