Valuing Private Equity Interests in Divorce
Valuing private equity interests can be challenging even in the best of circumstances. Problems compound when the valuation is required in a divorce setting. Fundamentally speaking, private equity is capital invested in a company or other entity that is not publicly listed or traded. Typically, private company interests can include any or all of the […]
What if my child wants to live with the other parent?
If you happen to have children, your relationship with your ex-spouse will never truly be over. Particularly if your children are younger, it is highly likely that you will end up managing a co-parenting situation for many years. Shuffling the children between two households can be challenging enough when they are young, but problems often […]
Why your family may want to try out nesting after divorce
If you feel like you or your children might not be ready for all the life changes that will come out of finalizing your divorce, there is a way you can try and slow down the process. Keeping your marital home and living in it a little while longer might help create a sense of […]
4 Signs that a spouse is hiding assets during divorce
Unfortunately, spouses hiding marital assets when divorce is on the horizon is all too common. Whether it’s because they wish to get revenge, fear they won’t have enough money after the divorce or are just particularly greedy, hiding assets can be incredibly easy to do. Particularly if one spouse handles the finances and the other […]
Dealing with a “Disneyland Dad”
For those living outside of California, Disneyland is the embodiment of the ultimate family vacation destination. Yet if you are a divorced parent, sadly Disneyland may come to be the representation of your ex-spouse’s efforts (be they intentional or not) to undermine your parenting. Many clients come to us here at Laughlin Legal, PC complaining […]
What can I do when my ex ignores the child custody order?
Lives change and obligations change; child custody orders can change, too. Yet, if your ex-spouse takes matters — and your kids — into his or her own hands without a court modification, a judge’s say-so may not be enough to ensure the immediate safety of your children. Here are actions recommended by the Judicial Branch […]
3 reasons empty nest syndrome may lead to divorce
If you are over 50, you may have spent much of your adult life as a husband or wife. Still, while divorce rates for other age groups have been on the decline in recent years, they are on the rise for older couples. If your children have grown and left the home, you may be at increased […]
Will timing cause a judge to invalidate a prenup?
Creating a prenuptial agreement can help solve many problems that could arise should a couple divorce, including settling the division of property and distinguishing separate property from marital property. However, if a spouse challenges a prenuptial agreement in court, a judge might find a reason to invalidate it if the spouses signed the document at […]
Including pets in a prenuptial or a postnuptial agreement
Understanding how California’s community property laws work is important for pet lovers who are planning to get married or divorced. Generally, all property acquired before a marriage, including animals, is an individual’s separate property. Any pets purchased or adopted during a couple’s marriage, however, are marital property with ownership determined during a divorce. Prenuptial agreements […]
15 ‘Habits’ of People Who Witnessed ‘Messy’ Divorces Growing Up
Divorce can be difficult, complicated, and in a lot of cases, “messy.” In her book, “Yes Please,” comedian Amy Poehler used the following analogy to describe her divorce: Imagine spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air. The process of divorce is about loading that […]