Prenuptial agreements that stick in court

Let’s be blunt: If you own property or significant financial assets, would you go into a new marriage without some concern about losing it all in divorce? Nobody plans to get divorced, but the unhappy fact is that about 50 percent of all first marriages end up that way; and about 70 percent of second […]

John Schneider did jail time over alimony

If you file for divorce in a California court, you can expect to encounter several challenges if you and your soon-to-be ex don’t see eye-to-eye on certain issues. Money is often a big bone of contention, especially when there are high assets at stake. It’s always best if you and your former partner in life […]

California spouses may relate to celebrities who divorced

One thing most California spouses might agree on is that marriage can be quite challenging at times. Whether you’ve only been living the married life for a year or two or you have been with your spouse for decades, you’ve likely overcome some tough times in your relationship. You happen to reside in a state […]

Court concludes that vested stock options are income

The 1st District Court of Appeal overturned previous rulings in a child support modification case brought by a man whose income placed him among top earners in California. The original decision excluded his stock options from income and granted an exemption to Family Code Section 4057(b)(3). That section normally directs courts to base child support […]