Mediation & Collaborative Law
San Mateo Mediation & Collaborative Law Attorneys
“There’s no such thing as fair in divorce. More often than not, one person never wanted this. And it gets ugly and very personal and brings out the worst in people. With mediation and collaborative law, whatever animosity they hold toward each other is still there, but with guidance, you can help them find a way to work together despite their differences. They learn they can work things out as a family even if they’re not intact. That’s the gift of mediation and collaborative law, they give power back to families. And create a foundation that will set them up for a better future.”
Toriana Holmes
Please consider alternative dispute resolution. There’s a divorce mediation lawyer in San Mateo who can help.
We advise all new clients to take a moment to consider two alternatives to resolving their dispute with their spouse through litigation. Mediation and Collaborative Law are not only a faster means of achieving a resolution, they’re less expensive as well as less combative and adversarial. And they offer far more flexibility and decision-making power to the couple. You develop an agreement custom-tailored to you and your family, and lay out the terms of your divorce/asset division/custody or support agreement for a judge to review and approve.
Mediation is a strategy that provides the couple with a neutral third-party mediator to help them resolve issues and reach a final settlement agreement. It is typically faster and less expensive than litigation provided both couples are willing to negotiate and compromise.
Collaborative Law is where each partner hires a collaborative lawyer to represent them, help them resolve their issues, and reach a final settlement agreement. Both partners and their lawyers sign an agreement to authentically pursue a collaborative resolution and not pursue litigation during the collaborative process. of our attorneys are collaborative lawyers.
Child custody mediation is mandatory (in California).
With a focus on what is in the best interest of the child, both parents must make an effort to discuss and resolve issues with the help of a skilled child custody mediator. And the custody case cannot continue until mediation is completed. If mediation fails, the judge will determine what’s best for the child regarding custody and parenting time.
In these cases, where the parents can lose their ability to jointly make decisions regarding their children, an experienced child custody mediator is vitally important.
How can divorce mediation services help you?
Life post-divorce is a big adjustment. We’d like to start you off on the right foot. Our mediation and collaborative law services provide alternative dispute resolutions for divorce, asset division, child custody, and support clients. Even couples locked in a contentious situation may be able to complete their case without the need for a court battle. Our lawyers explore this possibility with clients before deciding what course of action would be best.
You may be thinking: This sounds nice in theory but we would never agree on anything. This concern is understandable but the mediator’s job is to help both sides find a mutually beneficial compromise for these issues, as well as to guide the discussion back to the matter at hand if it becomes heated.
The results are impressive: more than 75% of cases are successfully resolved and settled within one day. That kind of success can become a template for resolving future disputes should they arise.
is a strategy that provides the couple with a neutral third-party mediator to help them resolve issues and reach a final settlement agreement. It is typically faster and less expensive than litigation provided both couples are willing to negotiate and compromise. Laughlin Legal has multiple certified mediators providing divorce mediation services to our clients.
is where each partner hires a collaborative lawyer to represent them, help them resolve their issues and reach a final settlement agreement. Both partners and both lawyers sign an agreement to authentically pursue a collaborative resolution and not pursue litigation during the collaborative process. It’s typically faster and less expensive than litigation.
is the approach taken when a couple either won’t or can’t resolve their issues out of court. Each partner retains a divorce attorney to advise and represent them as they try to reach a final settlement agreement. If they cannot, they turn to a judge to resolve the dispute for them in court.
Looking for divorce mediation services in San Mateo? You’re in luck.
You’re in luck because you’re in California, a community property state. And that makes the division of assets simple in that everything acquired during the marriage, both assets and debts,

Next Step
Book a consultation.
How we can help?
If you need a mediation lawyer or collaborative law attorney in Silicon Valley or the San Francisco Bay Area, let’s talk. Call us at 650.343.3486 or email us here.
Let’s get started.

A Free Quarterly Seminar on Navigating Divorce
Q How does Divorce generally work in CA?
Q What’s the difference between a Divorce and Legal Separation?
Q What does the “best interest” standard mean in custody cases?
Q Is it possible to successfully divorce a narcissist?
…and while we can’t offer legal advice or address specific individual situations, we’ve got some answers.
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The FOREFRONT A divorce & family law blog
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