Real Estate Transactions
San Mateo Real Estate Transaction Attorneys
“Real estate is not just about buying a dreamy Victorian row house; it also has to make financial sense so you can sleep comfortably at night. I like being able to give people solid advice that leads to peace of mind. That’s the primary takeaway.”
Chris Norris
Why a real estate attorney at a family law firm?
Because when your marital status changes, your place of residence and real property rights often changes, too. Our firm’s team approach is built to provide legal wrap-around services to our clients in response to their various needs. In other words, regardless of where our clients are in the process of their divorce or child custody issue, we have in-house expertise in managing ancillary legal issues, for instance, trust and estate agreements, premarital agreements, commercial real estate transactions, and complex residential real estate transactions.
That’s where it started. But as our real estate division matured, we added a multitude of other related services:
- Real estate financing
- Commercial leasing
- Contract review for leases, HOA docs, TIC agreements, etc.
- Judicial foreclosures
- Judgment enforcement
- Quiet titles & partition actions
If you think of something else you need, please ask.
We work with brokers, with agents, and we’ll recommend bringing in experts who can add value to what our clients would like to accomplish. Whatever it is, whatever you need, if it’s outside the scope of our internal team, we’ll call on our exceptional external network.
Either way, we’ve got you covered.
A judicial foreclosure takes place in court and can take close to a year to reach a resolution. Non-judicial foreclosure is a shorter process, usually only taking a month or two, that occurs outside of court.
When a court issues a judgment, typically in a civil case, it often involves a monetary award or an order to perform a specific action. Judgment enforcement occurs when a debtor fails to adhere to the order issued by the court.
A legal proceeding brought in court when there are conflicting claims, disputes or uncertainties regarding ownership. This will establish clear property ownership and remove any competing claims or challenges regarding that ownership.
These documents outline the rights, responsibilities and obligations of individuals living in either a community governed by an HOA or are in a real estate arrangement where multiple people co-own a property, each with an undivided share.
Case Story
A Real Estate Client In Their Own Words
“Dear Chris, Thank you is a very small word for what you do for me. In my mind you are a rare person with such a righteous and caring heart. Thanks for being such a true friend to me. I am not sure I could be going through any of this terrible scenario without you.”
We find it kind of curious that most family law firms do not have an in-house real estate person. Think about it. Real estate is the major investment for many

Next Step
Book a consultation.
Tell us how we can help.
If you need a real estate attorney in Silicon Valley or the San Francisco Bay Area, let’s talk. Call us at 650.343.3486 or email us here.
Let’s get started.

A Free Quarterly Seminar on Navigating Divorce
Q How does Divorce generally work in CA?
Q What’s the difference between a Divorce and Legal Separation?
Q What does the “best interest” standard mean in custody cases?
Q Is it possible to successfully divorce a narcissist?
…and while we can’t offer legal advice or address specific individual situations, we’ve got some answers.
New Beginnings with Laughlin Legal
The FOREFRONT A divorce & family law blog
In the U.S., lawyers in general aren’t terribly difficult to find. We’re the 5th most litigious country in the world, after all. According
As with any legal practice area, what a child custody lawyer costs in California may vary profoundly depending upon the individual lawyer, law
Good question. You’ll find a multitude of answers online. Search “how much is a divorce in California” and you’ll see everything from $139