Spousal Support
San Mateo Spousal Support Lawyers
“There are a number of factors the court can consider in awarding spousal support. Unlike child support, spousal support is not mandatory and the court has broad discretion whether to grant or modify the amount and duration of spousal support. A financially disadvantaged spouse may be awarded spousal support based on their needs and in order to maintain the marital standard of living enjoyed during the marriage. The courts want to ensure a fair and equitable outcome so that one spouse isn’t living in a mansion while the other is in a 1-bedroom apartment and unable to support themselves.”
Caitlin Ashton
The post-divorce challenge: same income but double the expenses.
When a couple divorces, the income that used to support one household now has to support two. And both spouses aspire to maintain their marital standard of living. A spousal support lawyer can help make this happen. Spousal support is typically awarded to a spouse earning a lower income than the other.
The amount and the length of time for which support payments must be made will vary depending upon a number of factors such as the age and education of both spouses, the length of the marriage, and the circumstances leading up to the divorce. The judge will weigh these factors and make the call. This is why it’s critical to get the best spousal support lawyer on your side to identify what is unique to your situation and ensure you get what you deserve.
We guard your future after the divorce.
Our spousal support lawyers work on both sides of spousal support cases, seeking support for clients or protecting the rights of clients whose ex-spouses are seeking support. Whatever your personal situation, we will look after your best interest.
An order for payments to a spouse before your case is final. A judge can make a spousal support order in a divorce, legal separation, or domestic violence restraining order case. You can ask for a temporary support order as soon as you file the case.
Support orders made at the end of the case. These are also called permanent support orders.
HOW TO NEGOTIATE A FAIR AGREEMENT? Don’t. Let your spousal support lawyer do it for you.
This post is going to start and end with the same sentence because I want to make sure everyone gets the message: No one who isn’t a skilled spousal support

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How can we help?
If you’re looking for some of the best spousal support lawyers in Silicon Valley or the San Francisco Bay Area, let’s talk. Call us at 650.343.3486 or email us here.
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